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Panasonic's first-person 4K CES 2014

Dołączona grafika

Wearable devices and 4K are two of the biggest trends at CES, and Panasonic has managed to make both collide. The outfit's revealed a UHD camera that folks can wear on their head with the help of a plastic mount that wraps around their ears and neck. While the prototype is nearly identical to the HX-A100 cam the firm debuted at last year's show (yes, it's still waterproof), this Ultra High-Definition model is lined with some more powerful innards. Detailed tech specs are being kept under lock and key, but the unit on display was sending a live feed of the pixel-packed footage to a 4K display through a mini-HDMI port -- a feature that will be available in the final version. Despite the hardware's compact form, it produced sharp video free of stuttering, and caught a fairly wide field of view courtesy of its fisheye lens. While there's no word on pricing, the first-person camera is slated for a release later this year.


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08 sty 2014 12:05

Produkt dla wąskiej grupy użytkowników (jak gogle). Jak zamontować na statyw, szelki, kij itp.


12 sty 2014 22:30
Kamerka bardziej do badania przyczyn zapchanych rur :P
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